relationship behaviors

Your Relationships Define You!

“Always Remember: Relationships are more important than a job.” — Benjamin McCall

A big component of my revenue philosophy is the power of relationship based, solutions oriented behaviors.   Whether we are looking to advance our career, find a position, or close a deal, our effectiveness in building relationships in this process will define our success.  In Benjamin McCall’s blog, “It’s about the people, People! A rant on Relationships” he talks about those very things.  Relationships are the key to our ability to get where we want as we all need friends, fans, advocates, and advisers to help us be great.  And we often don’t realize the many opportunities we have along our journey to build these relationships.

I was guilty of this myself.  In a recent guest blog, I referenced my own experiences in learning about the power of effective relationships.  When I was focusing on my “career” and working up the corporate ladder I paid very little attention to the relationships and connections I could have been building.  When I shifted focus and started engaging in the activities I enjoyed doing and did well, the relationships I developed have carried me.  I certainly wish I had those connections from the first half of my professional life.

Remember, our successes are influenced by the way we connect with the people we meet along the way.  Our effectiveness in valuing and building strong relationships will make that journey more productive and fulfilling.  Enjoy the experience and be receptive to all those relationship building opportunities.